Exam Compiler
Monday January 27, 2025


exam compiler OVERVIEW

The Exam Compiler is a DYNAMIC EXAM COMPILER comes in 4 major platforms;

Exam Compiler allows  teachers, instructors, and companies to compile, format, organize and publish tests. Both INPRINT and ONLINE.  While there are a variety of platforms on the market EXAM COMPILER uses a database organizational methodology that makes it fairly unique and  provides a value proposition and user experience well in advance of other platforms in the online community.   

Embedded tools allow members simple avenues and step in preparing and administering exams based on a one time 15 minute set up and learning curve.  

  • Add more than one variation of a question.
  • Flag over-used questions for tutorial tests.
  • Exam Compiler is a user-friendly application that allows the user to save tests for completion at a later date.
  • Retrieve /  claw back online tests quickly.
  • Option to randomize questions on previous tests.
  • Search and replace questions with a question variation.

The entire system is custom designed around a teacher's standard curriculum, and allows the creation of all standard question formats, such as:

  • Multiple Choice
  • True/False
  • Definitions
  • Fill Ins
  • Matching Statements to Terms
  • Matching Image to Terms
  • Short Essay
  • Long Essay

A central repository of images  makes it easy to enhance exams,  And Exam Compiler supports multiple image formats / diagrams!

Sign up for a free trial today and you will wonder....

       "Why didn't someone think of this sooner?"

exam compiler

What I really liked about Exam Compiler is their approach on learning. They gave me a 8 step guide to creating an Online test. It took all of 5 minutes to set up a test. It took me all of 10 minutes and I set up my first exam.
I used other packages like Google Classroom but really limited. The Exam Compiler system lets me generate a test in minutes. What is especially nice is that all past tests are automatically sent to tutorials to be resent anytime I want.
Love the feature that allows me to send PDF's to my students parents. The whole look and feel of a corrected test is very easy to understand and read.
The ability to generate a test from other members profiles was a lifeline for me on more then one occasion. It used to take me hours to prepare one test. With the Exam Compiler I can generate a test in minutes.

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